SANDMATH: what command in editor for use of "hp41uc"?

Programs for HP-41

SANDMATH: what command in editor for use of "hp41uc"?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Sun Jun 19, 2022 3:09 pm

by putting lines in an editor in a PC, I put the following commands in it
.. file.txt ...

then I change it to a raw file with the command "hp41uc.exe /t=FILE.TXT /r /k"
then upload the program in HP41 (or V41), and I have to edit the lines before I can use the program.

Change from
XEQ "VMOD" to (sum)FL(sign) then 43 in the line after
XEQ "EPER" to (sum)FL(sign) then 111 in the line after

Is there any way to use any XROM xx,yy ? (I could not see any XROM numbers in the sandmath manual)
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