Module Making for i41CX

Module Making for i41CX

Postby Marksail2 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:07 pm

Im in the middle of programming an extensive app for the i41CX and need to make a module file that can be "plugged" into the emulator. what IS THE EASIEST WAY TO GENERATE mod FILES ? Can it be done from a HEPAX memory file or do I need to start with just binary code? Im quickly running out of memory and wish to transfer my app to a MOD file! Any help would be appreciated !!
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Re: Module Making for i41CX

Postby mike-stgt » Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:33 pm

Sorry for my delayed reply, just came haphazardly across this formum section. Meanwhile you solved it on your own probably.
Marksail2 wrote:Im in the middle of programming an extensive app for the i41CX and need to make a module file that can be "plugged" into the emulator.

Is the module file format for i41CX desribed somewhere?

I can't imagine a simpler way than mine -- if i) the ROM will contain only user code (no MCode), and ii) all code to include is available on a PC as RAW files (the format used by V41 to save user code programs). Put those into a directory named with the future CAT 2 title entry. The predominant drudgery was up to here, now start my routine with the a. m. directory name as argument and in a second (or less) your module or ROM is ready for use within an emulator. Output is the same ROM in two formats, MOD for V41 and BIN for JF Garnier's Emu41.
Can it be done from a HEPAX memory file or do I need to start with just binary code? Im quickly running out of memory and wish to transfer my app to a MOD file! Any help would be appreciated !!

Don't know if this is any help, but find attached my routine with one example, history described here. Prerequesites: ooREXX you find here and -- sorry -- OS/2 Pipelines, not distributed in public. (It is so buggy I can not advise to use it. Someone once tried to migrate something real big from real iron to the PC and stopped as it turned out too big. See the documentation of the role model.
There are at least two more attempts to copy this to the PC world, one artefact here, no idea if they could be any help.)

Minor restriction -- currently only 4k ROMs possible.

Note: all ways guide to ROMe ;)

Have fun

Edit: found a typo
My fastest way from RAW to ROM and MOD
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