Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:12 pm

when I have 2 files in X-Memory, a Q1 and a Q2 file (each having 4 data registers), know anybody how to exchange their content?
or is there a function for renaming files? I could not find any renaming function in X-function module (or in a CX).
My HP41 is for now full-up with Clonix-D & Sandmath. If a new function has to be used, I will probably have to make an own module (never done it).
My plan B in X-memory, is, I could
- create a new file Q3 (& transfer the content of Q1 in it)
- delete the file Q1
- create a new Q1 file
- move the content of Q2 into the new created Q1
- delete Q2
- create a new Q2
- move the content of Q3 into Q2
- delete Q3
.. all consuming ressources.
Help/comments are welcome.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby Garth » Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:09 am

I wrote a program decades ago to swap the contents of files, and then later thought, "That was dumb! Why didn't I just swap the names?!" But looking it up now, I see there's no way to rename files, at least not in the functions provided in the cx. Maybe there's a way in one of the modules.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby rprosperi » Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:09 am

If you have AMC-OSX installed (and all serious 41 users should have this installed) the function RENMFL can be used to rename any X-Mem file. Put “OLDNAME,NEWNAME” into Alpha and [XEQ] "RENMFL".
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby Garth » Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:29 am

rprosperi wrote:If you have AMC-OSX installed (and all serious 41 users should have this installed) the function RENMFL can be used to rename any X-Mem file. Put “OLDNAME,NEWNAME” into Alpha and [XEQ] "RENMFL".

What is it? It doesn't show up in . My 41 is full except 4K. I have:

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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:37 am

I have this:

Code: Select all
-TIME  2C   
-HL MATH+   

I see this "RENMFL" is in SandBox page 33
But no idea how to sqeeze that in my CX with ClonixD; except creating a new module containing the functions I need from SandMath, SandBox.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby rprosperi » Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:03 pm

Garth wrote:What is it? It doesn't show up in . My 41 is full except 4K. I have:

Well, that's certainly an impressive 41 configuration, but without OSX, it would still feel incomplete to me.

The AMC_OS/X BS4 Module is available here: ... temID=1165

A slightly newer manual is available here:

The is a customized version of the CCD ROM, made by Angel Martin, based on the original custom CCD image (providing the OS extensions) created by Ray Del Tondo. Review the OSX manual and I'm sure you'll agree. I could list my favorite features here, but everyone uses a 41 differently, and there are so many, it's hard to pick "best" features, though notable major functions include a RAM editor, ROM (HEX) editor, MCODE Disassembler, enhanced CAT features, etc.

Check it out - you'll be glad you did.

Note: AMC OSX requires LIB4 and must be run on a 41CX (41C & 41CV not supported)
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby Garth » Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:31 pm

Thanks. Like all of Angel's, it looks really excellent. The one on Systemyde would not open, so I looked at the one on this site. I should have added in my post above showing the CAT 2 listing that Library 4 is there too but does not show up in a CAT 2 listing. That listing, BTW, is on the monochrome monitor from the HP92198 80-column HPIL display interface.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:15 pm

rprosperi wrote:Well, that's certainly an impressive 41 configuration, but without OSX, it would still feel incomplete to me.

Perhaps I could change my ClonixD setup to sqeeze it in? How?
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby rprosperi » Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:41 pm

Looks like you'll have to remove something, I can't say which is least important, that depends on your usage.

AMC OSX is a general purpose set of OS enhancements and utilities which are very helpful for 41 system use, but it offers very little in terms of pure math functions (an exception is the AEC ROM program generator, that might be helpful). So if you use all those math-intensive ROMs (which is kinda hard to imagine) then this may not be worth adding, but many day-to-day things (such as changing an Ext Mem filename, which is what started this discussion) are easier with this installed.

I recommend you remove one (you choose) and temporarily install AMC OSX and go through the manual, there are LOTS of small, not so obvious enhancements, and give it a serious try. I suspect you may find it more useful than some of those ROMs, but I've no idea what your primary calculating interests/needs are, so I could be wrong.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby pcscote » Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:18 pm

floppy_stuttgart wrote:
rprosperi wrote:Well, that's certainly an impressive 41 configuration, but without OSX, it would still feel incomplete to me.

Perhaps I could change my ClonixD setup to sqeeze it in? How?

Or buy a second Clonix-D module which could hold ROMs for pages 6, 7 and C to F.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby rprosperi » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:38 pm

pcscote wrote:
floppy_stuttgart wrote:
rprosperi wrote:Well, that's certainly an impressive 41 configuration, but without OSX, it would still feel incomplete to me.

Perhaps I could change my ClonixD setup to sqeeze it in? How?

Or buy a second Clonix-D module which could hold ROMs for pages 6, 7 and C to F.

Dangit! I just never think of the trivial solution Sylvain always comes up with. 'Just get another one'... :lol:
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:35 pm

An HP41 with 2 Clonix-D? Interesting. New for me (probably I did not understood the all subject especially banks etc.).
I have one spare Nov64d I will setup it in Clonix-D. I will try. Any advice how the setup should looks like is welcome (however I will try and hopefully come quick to the point).
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby rprosperi » Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:51 pm

Just configure it similar to how you setup your CLONIX, but now putting AMC-OSX into Page C, and other additional modules into pages D-F if you want them. Keep Pages 6 & 7 free if you plan to use HP-IL (which I know you do).

Note that in some cases, AMC-OSX works best if used in a lower-lettered Page than some of Angel's other ROMs, so you may have to load AMC OSX in the original CLONIX and then move one of your other modules to the new NoV/CLONIX.

Angel can give you the best advice about configurations that involve several of his advanced ROMs.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby mike-stgt » Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:57 pm

Garth wrote:Like all of Angel's, it looks really excellent.

No doubt, at first glance it looks excellent. Closer inspections show, it isn't.
AM has a reputation for following the maxim 'quantity before quality'. But if you don't mind some (few even severe) errors, it really looks excellent.

Errors? Sufficiently enough. Only few examples:
  • ERF function of RANDOM.ROM returns different results depending on an attached HPIL printer's MAN/NORM/TRACE setting.
  • Same module, RAND was planned and documented to be a copy from Toulouse Math ROM. It turned out as "slightly off-target", a mistake AM calls "a modification" showing perchance even "better results" when computing few Gaussian RNGs with it. Reminds me a cook who sells a muffed sauce as top-notch 'nouvelle cuisine'.
BTW, one characteristic of good pseudo-RNGs is a long cycle, while AM's modification shortens it considerably (what is left unmentioned in the "documentation").

AM does not respect technical necessities of the HP41 system. But if you don't mind, all of Angel's still looks really excellent. Another example:
  • Not to jeopardize anybodies machines I suggest to use V41, Menu/File/New, then Menu/File/Edit and use besides a 41CX nothing but LIBRARY#4 Rev.59b (maybe the preceding Rev.58+ will do too) and AMC OS/X Module. Power cycle (OFF and ON again) so 9 XEQ "B?" shows YES. Now either load programs until free registers are below 8 or simply set SIZE 312. Switch to PRGM mode and SST to see the permanent .END. and check once more free registers < 8. Switch back from PRGM to RUN mode, do 9 XEQ "CLB". Switch again to PRGM mode and try to find the .END. -- you will not find it, you deleted togehter with buffer 9.
It looks really excellent, so brilliant. That's what we call here "Oofedüürligold", shining like gold while it isn't. As we all know, ignorance is bliss. And AM feels fine ignoring license stipulations. Pointed out that fact he replied "Perhaps you could stop complaining about insignificant nuisances." -- Pure bliss.

To make it clear: what is under the QPL may be copied when accepting the QPL, which may be accepted completely, not just partly or choosy. So it's not sufficient to include the QPL in the manual, also the original software has to be _visible_, unmodified. Only neglectable details? No problem, consequently you must not copy that software in question.

One more detail about the HP16C emulator. I don't want to start another exchange of opinions about differences between emulators and simulations. Only another trifle in between all others.
  • Either using an emulator you trust, or a real HP16C, or this simulation switch to FLOAT mode (you have to press a number after [f-shift] FLOAT), then enter 8 CHS [g-shift] 1/X DEC. Now try to do the same using the HP16C emulator. You got the same result?
Frankly, it's not only AM's ROMs, there are more buggy contributions, but there is no user community any more which cares about errors. Or there is no need for AM's ROMs, the two who still ask questions are not enough to find all bugs. Obviously the rest are not users but collectors for which a shiny surface is sufficing. In that case "it looks really excellent."

Have fun!
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby pcscote » Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:03 pm

floppy_stuttgart wrote:An HP41 with 2 Clonix-D? Interesting. New for me (probably I did not understood the all subject especially banks etc.).
I have one spare Nov64d I will setup it in Clonix-D. I will try. Any advice how the setup should looks like is welcome (however I will try and hopefully come quick to the point).

I used an old ClonixConfig setup, so ROM files used here are not the latest, but for the test it should be ok.
A HP-41CX Halfnut was used to validate this setup.

NoV-64d module #1 → configured as Clonix-D
XROM → LIB4 [n/a] , SMAT [XR=3] , HLMAT [XR=2] , WARP [XR=21]

NoV-64d module #2 → configured as Clonix-D
XROM → AMC-OSX [XR=5] , HP-16C [XR=16]

CAT shows CAT " meaning that CCD extended catalog provided by AMCOSX4 is working.

CAT 2 shows:
Code: Select all

Port based catalogs:
Code: Select all
CAT 8 → -SNDMTH'4x4  ,...
CAT 9 → -HL MATH+    ,...
CAT A → -WARP CORE+  ,...
CAT C → -AMC"OS/X    ,...
CAT D → -HP-16C+     ,...

I have executed some functions from modules and everything seems to work, as I thought it would.
Now more extensive tests are needed to validate this completely but IMHO it should work.

Since bank switching was introduced very late in the 41 life, HP decided that the plugged peripheral was responsible for handling the bank switch of its own hardware.
That is why several hardware manufacturers implemented their own way to do it. (ex.: HP, CMT, Zengrange, etc.)

In Diego case,

Each module handle the bank switching of their own ROMs.
The two module scenario will work as long all ROMs of a bank switched module reside in the same Nov/Clonix module.
Having ROMs from both modules accessing the Library4 located in page 4 of one module works because page 4 is not bank switched here.
If Library4 was bank switched, the above setup would not have worked.

Final note, with the above configuration NoV-64d module #1 can be used standalone, but NoV-64d module #2 need the Library4 located in NoV-64d module #1.
If you try to use NoV-64d module #2 alone, the message "NO LIBRARY" will be displayed, which is expected in this case.


Edit: typos, added the last two paragraphs.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:19 am

Thanks for this straight extensive pragmatic information and knowledge disclosure. impressive.

A CV is coming to its 4 physical port limits: 1 HP-IL connector for exchanging with the external world (example access to a virtual drive via pilbox), plus 2 clonixd in 2 separated ports makes only 1 free port for perhaps x-function (no port left for any xmemory modules).

Is there any module "double clonixd" in order to avoid 2 busy ports or a port extender should be used? (I have no port extender).
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby pcscote » Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:15 am

floppy_stuttgart wrote:Is there any module "double clonixd" in order to avoid 2 busy ports or a port extender should be used? (I have no port extender).

A Clonix-D module can be configured as double X-Memory, but in your case, a CV with only one port left, it is not an option because you will still miss the XFM module.

Monte Dalrymple (41CL) has created a generic module system (Flexible Hardware Module) that can hold a ROM image and either a QUAD or a double X-MEM in one module. In his order form, the combo XFM+XM+XM is not an option but I am pretty sure that if you ask him to create one he will do it. (assuming the FPGA used in the module has enough space for 600 X-Mem registers)

If you have the physical modules, you could also create your own XFM+XM+XM triple module, like it was done in the 1980s.

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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:56 pm

Garth wrote:
rprosperi wrote:If you have AMC-OSX installed (and all serious 41 users should have this installed) the function RENMFL can be used to rename any X-Mem file. Put “OLDNAME,NEWNAME” into Alpha and [XEQ] "RENMFL".

What is it? It doesn't show up in . My 41 is full except 4K. I have:


Hello Garth,
could you post the result of the function "PGCAT"?. I would like to see your setup output with this function from warpcore.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby Garth » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:59 pm

floppy_stuttgart wrote:
Garth wrote:
rprosperi wrote:If you have AMC-OSX installed (and all serious 41 users should have this installed) the function RENMFL can be used to rename any X-Mem file. Put “OLDNAME,NEWNAME” into Alpha and [XEQ] "RENMFL".

What is it? It doesn't show up in . My 41 is full except 4K. I have:


Hello Garth,
could you post the result of the function "PGCAT"?. I would like to see your setup output with this function from warpcore.

Is that in the AMC_OS/X module? I guess I don't have that. XEQ PGCAT gives the message "NONEXISTENT". So does XEQ CAT"0 which I tried hoping to get the list of options so I could press G.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby pcscote » Wed Sep 21, 2022 6:59 pm

PGCAT and RENMFL are part of the AMC/OSX ROM image. User’s Manual is available HERE and latest ROM archive from Monte is available HERE.
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Re: Renaming files in X-memory or exchange their content ?

Postby floppy_stuttgart » Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:58 pm

I found PGCAT in the WARP_CORE+ Revision K10 Manual.
I see now, Garth has WarpCore2. Perhaps PGCAT is not in this.
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