Hi All
Just to be controversial, do we need a new section for the new Swiss Micros DM41CX!!!!
Duncan wrote:My ultimate dream is to re-establish HP-IL!!! I 'joke' with my friends I am working on an 11 bit internet!! they don't believe it!! If I have to personally fund production of a new HP-IL IC I will!! (dream). Thank you to everyone that has helped create the virtual IL world that has brought IL to the 'masses'. My plan is to enhance this capability and maintain it for the future if I can.
There is a realistic possibility that a real HP-IL will become possible with the upcoming updated PILBox as a media converter.
Garth wrote:whereas I want a solution that does not depend on a PC. Will this be possible?
Garth wrote:
whereas I want a solution that does not depend on a PC. Will this be possible?
meindert@kuiprs.nl wrote:Garth wrote:
whereas I want a solution that does not depend on a PC. Will this be possible?
It is not proven or tested in practice but likely possible, depending on how the new PILBox works out. The TULIP would take the role of the PC using a UART and can potentially control the PILBox such that the IL side of it behaves like the real HP-IL loop.
Is the PI2 with USB on it, a "PC"? (the image show a powerbank for the PI2)
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