Portable NutEm/PC

Portable NutEm/PC

Postby mike-stgt » Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:32 am

A simple change of a file and a directory name forced the adjustment of this instruction and one of the related routines. Find an update in next append.
Last edited by mike-stgt on Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Portable NutEm/PC

Postby mike-stgt » Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:24 pm

Beforehand few notes:
  • The description hereafter, how to run NutEm/PC from an USB memory stick with no need to install ooRexx on the PC in use is for those who dread to install ooRexx for whatever flimsy reasons or w/o sandbox system to run temporary tests. In round terms: it's simpler to install it permanently.
  • It will work on Windows only, on other systems I surmise Wine might do.
  • When you plug the same memory stick to various PCs more often than not it's mounted to different drive letters. If so -- correspondent to the portable ooRexx description (see also ticket #826) -- you must run the portable setup again, and maybe also next time, again and again. Not really "portable" in the sense of plug-n-play me think. That is why I include a NutEmSel.cmd to start NutEm/PC disregarding the currently utilised drive letter.
  • You have the choice, use an ooRexx beta version or not beta, use x86 or x64 mode, include all descriptions and sample routines (~23 MB download, ~48 MB unpacked) or w/o (~3 MB, ~6.5 MB unpacked). It depends on your intentions, I make no proposal.
  • There is no automated installation, thus carry out following recipe with care.

How to run NutEm/PC directly from a memory stick without installation of ooRexx on your PC

1st: According your decision download portable ooRexx 5.oo (not beta) from https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/files/oorexx/5.0.0/portable
  • either with all descriptions and sample routines
    • in 32 bit mode: ooRexx-5.0.0-win32-r12583-x86_32-portable-release.zip
    • or 64 bit mode: ooRexx-5.0.0-win64-r12583-x86_64-portable-release.zip
  • or w/o descriptions and sample routines
    • in 32 bit mode: ooRexx-5.0.0-win32-r12583-x86_32-portable-release-runtime.zip
    • or 64 bit mode: ooRexx-5.0.0-win64-r12583-x86_64-portable-release-runtime.zip
or portable ooRexx 5.1.0 beta from https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/files/oorexx/5.1.0beta/portable with adequate naming in regard to addressing mode and additions. (Note, some beta revisions are not offered as "runtime" bundle.) Unpack it to your memory stick into an empty directory named at will, IMO something corresponding to the version like "oorexx-5.1.0-12839" would be adequate. Just in case you will run other ooRexx programs too then follow the instructions in readme.txt of that directory.

2nd: Create a new directory within the one of step 1, name it at will but remember it. Its purpose is to hold REXX routines to run under portable ooRexx. It also simplifies to move all in one go when installing another portable ooRexx. Ensure "your" directory is located in the same level as 'bin', 'lib' and 'include'.

3rd: Get NutEm/PC, unpack it and copy the directory 'NutEmPC' into the one created in step 2. If you picked in step 1 the 64bit version unpack 'NutL64.zip' in directory 'NutEmPC' and replace there the 32bit versions with the same file names.
Note: due to incompatibility reasons of ooRexx all NutEm/PC revisions before 6/4/2023 will fail with ooRexx 5.oo, highly likely with 5.1.0 too.

Last step: download NutEmSel.zip attached to this post and unpack it into the directory created in step 2 (you remember?). The ZIP contains two files, one is a cmd to run the other under portable ooRexx. (Note: on purpose the second file has no sufix so to forestall its accidental start without the proper environment set.) In Windows Explorer double-click on NutEmSel.cmd, it will display a file open dialog to choose a config file to use and by that which model to run with NutEm/PC. In case nothing happens, or something else as described, please change in the last line of NutEmSel.cmd "rexxhide.exe" to "rexx.exe", save it and run NutEmSel.cmd again. Either fix it on your own or report what went wrong, TY.

The folder structure must be like this:
Code: Select all
with 'rx' containing the routines from following ZIP. Note: folder name 'rx' is a proposal only, essential is its placement.

Have fun.
Plug-n-play starter for portable NutEm/PC
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Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:12 pm

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