NutEM-PC error ??

NutEM-PC error ??

Postby » Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:08 pm

Hi there,

I decided to get a go at the NutEM emulator. I think I followed all the steps, but I am getting an error message when trying to run the standard 11C configuration. I am using Wndows 10, and donwloaded the latest REXX version 5.0.0. Here is the message I see:

C:\Users\mkuipers\Documents\Development\HP41\nutEM-PC\ooNUlb>rexx oonulb.rx
378 *-* if inper.WAND, , symbol("DIRTT") = 'LIT', , then say 'Specification of directory for Wand Tool Tips missing in CFG file.'
Error 35 running C:\Users\mkuipers\Documents\Development\HP41\nutEM-PC\ooNUlb\ooNUlb.rx line 378: Invalid expression.
Error 35.929: Missing expression in logical expression list.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?
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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby mike-stgt » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:11 pm

Hello Meindert!

Sorry for this inconvenience.
The root cause is, ooRexx 5.00 was released "recently" after tantalized in beta stage since 2014. Now it turns out as not compatible in all details with previous releases. Thus, my NutEm/PC is based on one error of previous ooRexx, in addition I had to find workaround for new errors in ooRexx 5.oo -- in short, old versions of NutEm/PC will not run under ooRexx 5.00 and vv the same. Thus, if you run youngest ooRexx you have to download also my latest NutEm/PC which is available in Warren's archive since Apr 16, 2023.

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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby » Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:05 am

Thanks, it works now
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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby » Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:21 am

When doing some more advanced stuff, I no get another error message. I wanted to try out the Blinky emulation and now get the following error message:

C:\Users\mkuipers\Documents\Development\HP41\nutEM-PC\ooNUlb>rexx oonulb.rx cxlc
604 *-* call "ooBlinky"
219 *-* call rdrom k
Error 3 running C:\Users\mkuipers\Documents\Development\HP41\nutEM-PC\ooNUlb\ooNUlb.rx line 604: Failure during initialization.
Error 3.903: Program "C:\Users\mkuipers\Documents\Development\HP41\nutEM-PC\ooNUlb\ooBlinky.rex" cannot be run by this version of the REXX interpreter.

So it looks like the REXX version does not like to load the Blinky emulator? Is it an option to go back to a previous REXX version?
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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby mike-stgt » Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:48 pm

Which addressing mode of ooRexx did you pick? 32bit or 64bit? In the later case you must unpack in directory ooNUlb into this directory replacing three files. This advice is hidden here under "Install it".
Returning to the previous release of ooRexx would not help since there is no longer an elder version of NutEm/PC available for download. In case you insist on this option, I could send it by PM, kind of UPS, unique personal service :)

BTW, you say "some more advanced stuff", IMO Blinky is a nice to have (I'm proud I can simulate it) but the topnotch feature of NutEm/PC is the Wand Virtual Paper Keyboard which shows as balloon messages information from Quick Ref. Gde.s -- so while having the option to execute the functions instantly without typing XEQ-ALPHA-name of function up to seven letters-ALPHA you get also a short description. At least for a bunch of modules.

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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby » Wed Apr 19, 2023 1:38 pm

Thanks for the quick reply :D , that did it.

I never used a Blinky before, but did do a deep dive in some printer stuff, so I was interested here. I will also check out the Wand, that feature is very unique.

I would like to understand a but more the inner workings of the Blinky module, so if you can share what you have learned to impelent the emulation that would be very nice.


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Re: NutEM-PC error ??

Postby mike-stgt » Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:24 pm

In short: I do not have any insight to the inner workings of the Blinky module.

Long copy:
My simulation of Blinky is based on Christoph's well known HP82240B Printer Simulator, where the main part of the Red Eye drudgery is a component of his emulators, Emu42, Emu48, and so on. Those emulators do not send Red Eye data, they send what can be decoded from the on/off sequence timing of the calculators' IR transmitter which makes it to emit Red Eye data. (That is what I grasped from Christoph's explanations.)

This circumstance gives me the chance to bypass completely the Red Eye protocol. I have absolutely no clue about the inner workings of the Blinky module, highly likely there is some special hardware to drive the IR transmitter, since the Nut CPU is too slow to generate Red Eye data. (This is why in NutEm/PC the function TESTP returns "BAD" without delay.)

The rest of the story is normal reverse éngineering, simple 1+1=10, a strict "look&conclude", pretty much the same as I did decades ago for the thermal printer (on a mainframe at that time, and therefore printing text only).

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