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Tagged RAW Files

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:51 pm
by mike-stgt
In this context RAW files are programs extracted from an emulated/simulated HP41C/CV/CX or HP42S and saved to disk of the host running the emulator/simulation. While Emu42 tags RAW files for HP32S and HP32Sii, those for HP42S are not, also those written by V41 contain no metadata, no chksm, no hint, no tag -- nothing but untouched program data, raw like sushi (I do not say it smells fishy).
There is almost no way to detect what kind of routine a RAW file contains, if it's for an HP41 or an HP42. This results in a remote chance to jeopardize a virtual calculator session by reading back a wrong RAW file. Sure, this problem will only bite those using both calcualtors virtually. But even it is a teeny issue, since it may be solved without effort we should do so IMO.
No emulator/simulation I know minds details within the END of a program when reading a RAW file. So the indicators for rePACK and Decompile may be used for other denotations. I suggest to set both to indicate "For Use With HP41". I do so in NutEm/PC and since today also "FocalMaster" v1.1, alas V41 not yet.