Due to the unidirectional nature of the connection, the printer simulation is rather an output display "only" (in fact, it correctly interprets the received data). But this is why part of the printer simulation remains duty of the calculator emulator/simulation. It is similar to the real IR printer module, for the average users a printer inks/stains paper while seen from the HP41 the IR printer module is the printer, with no chance to detect, if and how the sent out data is used.
The virtual printer includes also the controls of the 82143A, the printer front panel offered by NutEm/PC looks like this: Like the role model 'Print' and 'Advance' insert PRX or PRA and ADV when the HP41 is in program mode. More details here.
NutEm/PC self-acting starts and stops the external 82143A if requested so in the CFG file, section THPR:
- Code: Select all
/IrPrIPa/C:\PRGM\HP-Emulators\HP82240B ; IR Printer Installation Path
/inifile/port 5026
/qxp/1 ; at shutdown also quit external printer if NutEm/PC started it
Edit: link to NutEmPC.htm updated.