After each scan the HP-41C normally responds by sounding a short scan tone. But if the ystem detects an error
condition during a scan, the HP-4IC responds instead with a prolonged scan error tone [...]
After a while this short scan tone gets pretty annoying using the Wand Virtual Paper Keyboard in NutEm/PC. Mute it is not an option me think, decreasing the volume works but not too long.
So I lowered the pitch and it sounds better, in addition the scan tone and scan error tone are now an octave apart. Fortunately the wand comes with its own tones and does not use the HP41 routines for it, what gave me the chance for this modification:
- Code: Select all
original | modification
E3CE 057 JC +0A E3D8 | 06F JC +0D E3DB
E3CF 130 LDI | 130 LDI
E3D0 065 CON 101 | 015 CON 21
E3D1 2D8 ST<>F | 000 NOP
E3D2 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3D3 266 C=C-1 X | 000 NOP
E3D4 3EB JNC -03 E3D1 | 2D8 ST<>F
E3D5 0A6 A<>C X | 000 NOP
E3D6 358 ST=C | 266 C=C-1 X
E3D7 3E0 RTN | 3D3 JNC -06 E3D1
E3D8 130 LDI | 0A6 A<>C X
E3D9 191 CON 401 | 358 ST=C
E3DA 2D8 ST<>F | 3E0 RTN
E3DB 000 NOP | 130 LDI
E3DC 000 NOP | 0C9 CON 201
E3DD 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3DE 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3DF 266 C=C-1 X | 000 NOP
E3E0 3D3 JNC -06 E3DA | 000 NOP
E3E1 3A3 JNC -0C E3D5 | 000 NOP
E3E2 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E3 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E4 000 NOP | 2D8 ST<>F
E3E5 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E6 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E7 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E8 000 NOP | 000 NOP
E3E9 000 NOP | 266 C=C-1 X
E3EA 000 NOP | 39B JNC -0D E3DD
E3EB 000 NOP | 36B JNC -13 E3D8
Now I have a - WAND MF - (mezzo forte) --